Monday, 25 August 2008

This Government Cares About Money Not People Says Professor

'The most important thing for doctors and nurses used to be caring for the patient and making sure he or she gets better.

'But this government isn't interested in that any more. It's only interested in money, money, money - that is making it, saving it, and spending it, usually on themselves.'


Christian J. said...

Got a nice shot of Harman wearing a t-shirt saying "this is what a male hater looks like", thought you may be able to use it..

Anonymous said...

Hi Christian

Long time!

Yep; sounds like a good one.

From where can I pinch it?


Christian J. said...

One of the guys on made it up, so it's available to anyone. My blog has a copy here..

Good to hear from you again..

Best wishes..


Christian J.